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Phuket Eating Out Pages


Delicious cakes at Flints One Bakery Rawai Beach
Flints One Bakery on the beach road Rawai Beach
Fresh cream cakes at Flints One Bakery

Flints One Bakery at Rawai Beach has been around for many years and the food is excellent.  We will often drive from Patong to Rawai just to buy their fresh croissants, breads and cakes.


Friendly staff, delicious food and good prices. Flints are also open for breakfast and the bakery is just over the road from Nikitas.

Pineapple, Peach and Apple Puffs - Flints One Bakery
Chocolate Croissants Flints One Bakery
So many delicious pastries at Flints One Bakery Rawai Beach Phuket
Various Cheese Cakes at Flints One Bakery
Cookies and slices - Flints One Bakery
Pizza bases, bread rolls and pita breads at Flints One Bakery
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