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Phuket Eating Out Pages


You And Me Restaurant Patong Beach
You And Me Restaurant Patong Beach
You And Me Restaurant Patong Beach

This was not our first time to You and Me restaurant but once again they are not consistent with the quality.  Most of our meals here have been delicious but there is always something that spoils it. 


One time it was a squid dish that was like trying to eat strips of leather and this time it was a pork dish that was so fatty and greasy it could not be eaten.

You And Me Restaurant - Terrible Squid!
You And Me Restaurant - Prawn Toast
You And Me Restaurant - Fried Rice

Such a shame as service is fast and friendly and the rest of our meals were good.  Prices have steadily risen so it is not the good value place that it use to be. You and Me restaurant is next to Otop Markets at the southern end of Rat-u-Thit Road Patong Beach.

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